pip install uWSGI
2,uWSGI可以直接运行跑http协议,相当于http server,可以在测试时使用:
uwsgi --http=:8080 --processes=3 --module=wsgi:application
3,运行uWSGI协议,相当于uWSGI server。此时Web Server (Apache / Nginx)需要和uWSGI server通讯来处理http request。Request -> Nginx -> uWSGI Server -> Nginx -> Client。
跑uWSGI Server的配置文件sample:
; In most of cases, you only need to change the first 2 or 3
; project home folder
project_folder = /home/project/abc
; virtualenv folder
virtualenv = venv
; uwsgi server listen on, either use unix sock or a socket
socket = %(project_folder)/.uwsgi.sock
; socket =
; change to dir before app running
chdir = %(project_folder)
; run under user id, this is nobody
uid = 65534
; run under group id, this is nogroup
gid = 65534
; # of processes running by uwsgi server
processes = 15
; unlikely to change lines below
wsgi-file = wsgi.py
chmod-socket = 666
master = true
pidfile = .uwsgi.pid
max-requests = 5000
vhost = true
reload-mercy = 10
vacuum = true
limit-as = 512
harakiri = 180
post-buffering = 8192
die-on-term = true
daemonize = logs/uwsgi-daemon.log
; to enable log-route, make sure you have libpcre3-dev installed
logger = errlog file:%(project_folder)/logs/uwsgi-err.log
log-route = errlog (Traceback)|(HTTP/1.\d 500)
; when reach 10M log, create new
log-maxsize = 10485760
4,注意当用uWSGI配合virtualenv跑的时候,为了避免各种奇怪的问题(No Python Appication Found),最好保证uWSGI运行的python版本和virtualenv里的python版本一致,也就是说,不要全局安装uwsgi,而是在virtualenv里安装uwsgi再使用,这样可以保证uwsgi跑的python版本就是venv里的版本:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install uwsgi
uwsgi --http :80 --wsgi-file=wsgi.py
5,当uwsgi运行daemon时会生成pid文件,如果此时更新了代码,想要重新加载,可以使用:uwsgi --reload pidfile.pid
或者更简单的 touch wsgi.py
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $1 = "start" ]; then
uwsgi --ini etc/uwsgi.ini
elif [ $1 = "reload" ]; then
uwsgi --reload .uwsgi.pid
elif [ $1 = "restart" ]; then
uwsgi --stop .uwsgi.pid
sleep 3
uwsgi --ini etc/uwsgi.ini
elif [ $1 = "stop" ]; then
uwsgi --stop .uwsgi.pid
echo "Usage: uwsgictl <start | reload | stop>"